Transforming food systems with aquatic foods –Advancing equitable livelihoods for healthy people and planet


An Independent Food Systems Summit Dialogue on the role of aquatic foods in sustainable food systems, exploring actions, how to connect research and policy, and how to scale up the good solutions.

Friday, 25 June 2021

Event recording

In the lead-up to the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit, the Global Action Network, Sustainable Food from the Oceans and Inland Waters for Food Security and Nutrition are holding a series of three Independent Dialogues in an effort to include aquatic foods as key solutions for food and nutrition security.- bridging the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition and the Decade of Ocean Science to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals. The events are co-hosted by the Norwegian leadership of the Global Action Network and WorldFish,

In this third dialogue, cross sectorial representatives, including high level, will come together to explore possible solutions and important actions for aquatic foods to be key in food systems transformations, as part of the summit’s Action Track 4, which aims to advance equitable livelihoods. The panel members will take a holistic approach, combining knowledge on different issues related to equitable livelihoods, food security and nutrition along the aquatic food chain and discuss ways to scale up the good solutions to ensure access to resources, decent work while improving the food and nutrition security.

Special message from Michelle Nunn, Chair Action track 4, President and CEO, CARE, USA

Benson Obwanga, Laikipia University College, Kenya, An Aquatic Food system approach focusing on rural urban connectivity: how to scale the impact of change makers?

Opening remark

  • Lelei LeLaulu
    Chairman, Earth Council Alliance
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Walking the talk: Showcasing possible solutions

  • Benson Obwanga
    Lecturer, Laikipia University College
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  • Amy Atter
    Senior Research Scientist, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
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  • Dr. Emma Witbooi
    Project manager, UNDP’s Blue Resilience Project
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Connecting research and policy: How do we scale up good solutions

  • Aksel Jakobsen
    State Secretary of International Development, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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  • Dominik Ziller
    Vice President, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
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  • Dr. Shakuntala Thilsted
    Global Lead, Nutrition & Public Health, WorldFish & Vice Chair, Action Track 4, UNFSS 2021
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Special message

  • Michelle Nunn
    President and CEO, CARE & Chair, Action Track 4, UNFSS 2021
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  • Nicole Franz
    Fishery Analyst, Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, FAO
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