UN FSS Dialogue April 2021
Transforming food systems with aquatic foods: Access to sustainable, safe and nutritious food for all
An Independent Food Systems Summit Dialogue on the role of aquatic foods in sustainable food systems, exploring actions, how to connect research and policy, and how to scale up the good solutions.
Friday, 30 April 2021
Event recording:
Special message Dr. Lawrence Haddad
Chair, Action Track 1: Access to safe and nutritious food for all

In the lead up to the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit, the Global Action Network – Sustainable Food from the Oceans and Inland Waters for Food Security and Nutrition will arrange a series of three Independent Dialogues in an effort to include aquatic foods as a key food source for food and nutrition security – bridging the Decade of Action on Nutrition, the Decade of Ocean Science and the Decade of Action to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals. The events will be co-hosted by the Norwegian leadership of the Global Action Network and WorldFish.
In this first dialogue, cross sectorial representatives, including high level, will come together to showcase possible solutions and discuss important actions for food systems transformation with aquatic foods as part of the summit’s Action Track 1, which aims to ensure access to safe and nutritious food for all.
The panels will take a holistic approach by combining knowledge on different aspects of food security: access for all to sufficient, safe, nutritious foods, meeting dietary needs, food preferences, and discuss what are the key actions needed for aquatic foods to be part of the solution for sustainable food systems.
Opening remarks
Odd Emil IngebrigtsenMinister of Fisheries and Seafood, Norway
Ingebrigtsen was appointed Minister of Fisheries and Seafood in the Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries in 2020. He has a degree in fishery economics from Bodø University College and had a career spanning decades in the private sector.
Walking the talk: Showcasing possible solutions
Prof Hettie SchönfeldtDirector, Centre of Excellence for Food Security, scientific advisor to AFROFOODSUniversity of Pretoria
Prof Schönfeldt is a professor and advocate of nutrition research. She serves as scientific advisor to AFROFOODS, a network on the African continent, forming part of IUNS/UNU/FAO INFOODS Task Force. Her research focuses on linking nutrient quantity and quality of foods to sustainable food systems for attaining food and nutrition security for all.
Merete TandstadSenior Program Coordinator of the EAF-Nansen Programme, FAO
Tandstad works on the assessment and management of marine fishery resources in developing countries at the EAF-Nansen Programme in partnership with organizations such as Norad and the Institute of Marine Research.
Dr. Arun PadiyarProject Manager, Sustainable Aquaculture, WorldFish, India
Dr. Padiyar has over 20 years of experience in fisheries and aquaculture and leads the WorldFish program in Odisha, India. Prior to his tenure at WorldFish, he served as an aquaculture consultant for FAO and the World Bank.
Dr. António MarquesProject Coordinator, Portuguese Institute for the Sea and Atmosphere
Dr. Marques is a senior researcher and biologist by profession. He coordinates the SEAFOODTOMORROW project, which aims to develop eco-innovative solutions for improving the safety and dietary value of seafood in Europe.
Connecting research and policy: How do we scale up good solutions
Prof Sissel RogneManaging Director (CEO), The Institute of Marine Research (IMR)
Prof Rogne has a long career working in marine research. Before joining IMR, she was the CEO of the Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board and part-time professor at the University of Bergen and Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
Lana WeidgenantVice-Chair of Action Track 2: Shifting to Sustainable Consumption Patterns for the UN Food Systems Summit 2021
Lana Weidgenant is Vice-Chair of Action Track 2: Shifting to Sustainable Consumption Patterns for the UN Food Systems Summit 2021. Action Track 2 is one of the 5 action tracks for the summit and addresses changes in consumption patterns and consumer demand needed for a healthy and sustainable food future. She also has a background in the youth food systems movement, serving as a Real Food Systems Youth Ambassador and a youth leader in the #Act4Food #Act4Change campaign facilitated by GAIN and the Food Foundation.
Dr. Naoko YamamotoAssistant Director General for Universal Health Coverage; Chair, UN Nutrition
Dr. Yamamoto has years of experience working in global health systems in Japan. She was recently appointed Chair of the UN Nutrition, a UN inter-agency coordination and collaboration mechanism for nutrition at the global and country levels.
Dr. Manuel BarangeDirector, Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy and Resources Division, FAO
Dr. Barange has a background in fisheries science. His research focuses on the link between climate change impacts and marine ecosystems. Aside from his role at FAO, he is also an honorary professor at the University of Exeter.
Special message
Dr. Lawrence HaddadChair, Action Track 1: Access to safe and nutritious food for all
Dr. Haddad is the Executive Director of the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN). He was the founding co-chair and lead author of the Global Nutrition Report from 2014 to 2016 and was awarded the World Food Prize in 2018.
Kristian TelekiDirector, Head of Secretariat, High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy
Teleki has decades of strategic and senior management experience in the areas of ocean policy and science, environment, sustainability and development. He has high-level experience in private-public sectors in more than 35 countries.
This event will be opened and closed by the Head of the Global Action Network Sustainable Food from the Oceans and Inland Waters for Food Security and Nutrition, Senior Adviser at the Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, Anita Utheim Iversen.
Follow Global Action Network, WorldFish and the hashtag #aquaticfoods to join the virtual dialogue on Twitter.
We look forward to your active participation.