About us

Global Action Network – Sustainable Food from the Oceans and Inland Waters for Food Security and Nutrition was founded following a series of important global initiatives (CFS/GFS, ICN2, SDG), and the initiative of the Network was launched by Norway at the UN Ocean Conference 2017. The United Nations (UN) General Assembly proclaimed 2016 to 2025 to be the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition. A FAO/WHO work programme (2016-2025) has been issued to follow up the Nutrition Decade. Sustainable, resilient food systems for healthy diets is one of the six action areas. The programme encourages member states to create action networks, and the Global Action Network was the first action network established under the Nutrition Decade.

Our Vision and Mission

Upon the founding of the Network, a Concept Document, a Mission Statement, and an Action Plan were developed.

Our Structure and Leadership



The Global Action Network receives valuable input from an international TaskForce. The 2024 TaskForce is composed of participants from the Global Action Network, including country representatives and multiple stakeholder groups.

Working Groups

The Network also invites participants to form thematic working groups on aquatic foods. In 2024, the Network has four working groups:

The Norwegian Leadership and Secretariat

The Global Action Network is led by Norway.

Join us! – Global Action Network Participants

This informal Network provides a platform for countries, and other actors, to link and learn to generate food security.

The Global Action Network is constantly developing based on inputs and ideas from participants at Network meetings. In addition to open meetings, TaskForce meetings, and working groups, the Global Action Network arranges digital and physical events to bring attention to the importance of aquatic foods for food security.

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