Dieđut sámegillii
Musihkkalávdegoddi lea kommišuvdna maid ráđđehus lea nammadan Kultur- ja dásseárvodepartemeantta mandáhtain guorahallat olles musihkkasuorggi. Lávdegottis leat 16 miellahtu, individuálalaččat nammaduvvon gonagaslaš resolušuvnna bokte geassemánus 2023, ja jođiheaddji lea professor Sigrid Røyseng.
Lávdegoddi almmuha loahpparaportta Norgga almmolaš čielggadeamis (NAČ) loahpas 2025 giđa. Lávdegoddi boahtá ovdanbuktit loahpparaporttas musihkkasuorggi ollislaš čielggadeami. Dat mearkkaša earret eará ahte ásahusat, organisašuvnnat, fágalaš ja eaktodáhtolaš doaimmat, musihkkárat ja dáhkkit, ja almmolaš veahkkeapparáhtta musihkkasuorggis galget guorahallojuvvot nubbi nuppi ektui.
Ráđđehusa mihtut leat buoridit musihkkadoaimma eavttuid, oažžut beaktilet geavaheami almmolaš doarjjavuogádagas, ja ain ovddidit ealli musihkkaeallima miehtá riikkas.
Guorahallama vuolggasadji lea kártet dálá musihkkasuorggi dili Norggas ja guorahallat dárbbuid ja vejolašvuođaid ovdánit guhkesáiggeperspektiivvas. Guorahallan galgá gokčat buot Norgga osiid musihka ja fátmmastit Norgga musihkkadoaimmaid riikkaidgaskasaš oktavuođas. Lávdegoddi áigu čielggadit musihkkadoaimmaid doarjjaortnegiid, politihka ja láhkaásahusaid geavaheami olu politihkkasurggiid ja departemeanttaid rastá, earret eará kultuvrras, oahpahusas, dearvvašvuođas, ealáhusain ja eará surggiin.
Lávdegotti barggu jođiha čállingoddi:
Anja Nylund Hagen (Head of Secretariat): anja-nylund.hagen@kud.dep.no
Mari Opsahl (Senior Adviser): mari.opsahl@kud.dep.no
Information in English
The Music Commission (Musikkutvalget) is a government-appointed commission mandated by the Ministry of Culture and Gender Equality to review the entire field of music. The Commission consists of 16 members, individually appointed by Royal Decree in June 2023, and is chaired by Professor Sigrid Røyseng.
The Commission will publish its final report in the series of Official Norwegian Reports (NOU) in late spring 2025. In the final report, the Commission will present a comprehensive review of the music sector as a whole. This means, among other things, that the institutions, organisations, professional and voluntary activities, musicians and creators, and the public support system in the music field will be examined in relation to each other.
The Norwegian government’s aim is to improve the conditions for music activities, the efficient use of the public support system and the continuation of a vibrant music life throughout the country.
The starting point for the review will be a mapping of the current situation of the music field in Norway and assessments that examine the needs and opportunities for development in a long-term perspective. The review must cover music in all parts of Norway and include Norwegian music activities in an international context. The Commission will examine the use of support schemes, policies and legislation related to music activities across a range of policy areas and ministries, including culture, education, health, industry and others.
The Commission’s work is managed by a secretariat:
Anja Nylund Hagen (Head of Secretariat): anja-nylund.hagen@kud.dep.no
Mari Opsahl (Senior Adviser): mari.opsahl@kud.dep.no