Wenche Wærner

Rushåndhevingsutvalget bør oppløses! Det er tilbakevist at straff virker forebyggende og de store negative effektene for enkeltmennesker og samfunnet er godt dokumentert.

«Since its formation in 2011 by political, economic, and cultural leaders, the Commission has advocated for decriminalisation as part of a rights-based approach to drug policy, rooted in scientific evidence and principles of public health, to minimise the harms arising from drug use. The UN recognises criminalisation of drugs as “proven to have negative health outcomes” and to “counter established public health evidence”; yet a disconnection between discourse and policy action persists.»

Kilde The Lancet: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(23)02617-X/fulltext