Poster Requirements

Poster size: A0

  • 118,9 x 84,1 cm
  • 46,8 inches x 33.1 inches
  • Portrait format

Suggested font sizes

  • Headings: Minimum 72 point, maximum 158 point
  • Section titles: Minimum 46, maximum 56
  • Text: Minimum 24, maximum 36
  • Strive for consistency across headings and sections.

Font type

  • Use common and legible fonts (e.g. Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, Times or Calibri)
  • Avoid capital letters, italics and underlined text

Spacing and size

  • Use sufficient space. Do not overcrowd the poster
  • Line-spacing should be set to between 1.2 and 2.0 to allow the reader greater ease to move from line to line
  • If possible, increase the space between the characters (e.g. to 125%)
  • A typical text block is associated with a particular heading and could hold about 100 words

Images, colours and graphics

  • Use caption for images
  • Do not write text on a patterned background, on top of photos, illustrations or graphics
  • Ensure sufficient resolution when printed (minimum 300dpi)


  • Ensure sufficient contrast between text and background. For posters many people prefer dark background and white letters
  • Use matt paper for your posters. Glazed paper will reflect the light and reduce the readability.
  • We encourage you to create a digital version of your poster that can be easily accessed, e.g.  via a QR code. This will allow participants with different needs and preferences to view your work more conveniently.