
The UD2024 Conference is organised by the Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and, Family Affair (Bufdir) on behalf of the Norwegian Ministry of Culture and Equality.

This is the 7th conference of a series of major biennial international conferences on Universal Design: UD2012 (Oslo), UD2014 (Lund), UD2016 (York), UDHEIT2018 (Dublin), UD2020 (Finland), and UD2022 (Brescia).

Organising Committee

Tone Alexandra Larsen, Conference Chair, Senior Advisor, Bufdir

  • Kirsti Svinø, Senior Advisor, Bufdir
  • Inger-Marie Hølmebakk, Senior Advisor, Bufdir
  • Tina Hofland Engen, Advisor, Bufdir

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Programme Committee

Tone Alexandra Larsen – Programme Committee Chair, Senior advisor, Bufdir

  • Camilla Ryhl – Research Director, BEVICA Fonden, Denmark
  • Cato Lie – Senior adviser at FFO, Former President of IFSBH and former Board Member of EDF, 1’st Vice President of IDA, Norway
  • Gerald Craddock – Chief Officer of Centre for Excellence in Universal Design – National Disability Authority, Dublin, Ireland
  • Inger-Marie Hølmebakk, Senior advisor, Bufdir, Norway
  • Kirsti Svinø, Senior advisor, Bufdir, Norway
  • Olav Rand Bringa – Former Senior Adviser Ministry for Culture and Equality, Norway
  • Onny Eikhaug – Former President EIDD – Design for All Europe, member of the Board IAUD, Chair of Selection Committee for the IAUD International Design Award Founder Innovation for All AS, Norway
  • Valerie Fletcher – Executive Director, Institute for Human Centered Design
    SOWA Art +, USA

Scientific Committee

Kristin Skeide Fuglerud – Chief Research Scientist, Head of digital inclusion, Norwegian Computing Center

For more information